Today is a quintessential Northwest day: gray and rainy. The sky is bright, like the possibility that the rain might stop and the clouds might burn away is not entirely unthinkable. Not that I mind one way or the other what the weather does. I got up and drove to Green Lake to meet Erin for a walk this morning. Silly me, I got the time wrong and arrived an hour early. Of course I was running late as usual, so if I had had the time correct then I would have been 15 minutes late. This afforded me time to drive over to the other side of the lake to the Starbucks, though, and then I just sat in my Jeep looking at the lake while I waited for her. The rain didn't actually start until we were almost done with our walk, and even then it wasn't raining hard yet, so we didn't have to be wet for long. It sure was nice to spend time with Erin. She is going to San Francisco in a couple of weeks for a recruitment fair for teaching abroad. She is very excited about it...and I am excited for her. It will be a two-year contract though and I will miss her terribly! She will come back for visits, but still.
I have an appointment with Tiff today for a massage. This is one of the best things in life, truly. I also have to finish grading today--and I have a full file box with final drafts of research papers...definately not one of the best things in life. I can safely say that I HATE editing papers. That is one of the reasons why I choose not to be an English teacher, actually. But since I teach integrated Humanities it does require teaching writing in addition to everything else.
I'm feeling 99% sure that I am not pregnant now. Yesterday when I was out running errands I stopped in at the Bartells and bought a HPT though. It was one of the two-for-one deals, so that means that I have three tests in the house now. But I am kind of thinking that I won't test at all unless AF doesn't show on Wednesday...why waste a test?
And so it goes...
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