Sunday, December 3, 2006

Feel Like I'm Falling Apart

Sundays are very often hard for me.

I feel "sadly unfunctional"...despondent, sad...even weepy sometimes, lethargic...and I find it difficult to even do simple tasks. Depressed, I guess.

I have work that I need to do--mid-quarter grades are due again this week (it seems like I just did quarter grades the other day) and I have a stack of work to enter grades for. Mr. C says that I should just take a day off if I need to...but I feel like I shouldn't take any time off so that I can save as many days as possible for maternity leave. Ugh. And it is not that the work is even really that time-consuming, once I am in the mode to do it it goes relatively fast.

I'm hungry, and he just went out to get us something to eat. Not the healthiest, I am sure, as he was heading out for fast food. But I don't have it in me to go get something healthier and I really don't have the energy to cook anything.


This so sucks.

I finally got a response from the Social Worker at Swedish about a therapist who specializes in Perinatal loss. So now I just have to follow up by making some calls/appointments. It is something that I know I need to do but am reluctant to do as well.

OK...time to try again to do something productive.

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