I won't spend much time writing as another day is virtually gone and I still haven't done any work.
I really did burn myself out, didn't I?
Yep. I am soooooo glad that the days are numbered for my completely unreasonable Advisory work. But, alas, they are not over yet and there is a lot of work to do before I can hand over the responsibility of writing all of the lesson plans and doing all of the prep work. Blah, blah, blah.
Today I went and got a facial. It was pretty darn nice. Let's see...in the past few days I have had a hair cut and deep condition, a massage (with the World's Best massage therapist, no less), and a facial and brow wax. I feel sufficiently pampered.
But even still, I wish that I had another week (at least) off of work.
I don't want to go back yet.
And the film festival is on the 10th. So much stress! It will be good for it to be over.
We are going out in a couple of hours. I'm not really looking forward to it, but Mr. C is. So I will make the best of it. Any kind of year-in-review stuff that I have come across on NPR has really been hard to listen to. I just keep having my own personal year-in-review and it is PAINFUL.
Hmmm, let's see...January 2006 started off with so much hope. Then we had our level II ultrasound and found out that William had a straight cord. Fear like I had never imagined (at the level of when Mr. C was diagnosed with cancer, but so very different). Then, on January 30th I was admitted into the hospital and after three days full of dispair and hope my baby boy was born...and we had to say goodbye. We buried him on my father's birthday, February 11th. The onslaught of disasterous events ensued...Cleo almost dying and costing us an untold amount of money (in addition to having to force-feed her with a syringe), my jeep being stolen...my wallet, cell phone and digital camera being stolen...oh, yah, and my pen drive being stolen (the worst theft I was a victim of in the past was $200 in my wallet when I was a first-year teacher...lesson learned)...almost having to have D&C sugery because I had retained placental tissue (which passed on its own...which HURT SO BAD, it felt like labor--which makes sense, since it meant that my cervix had to dialate and my uterus basically had to contract to get it out) we thought that I was having bad cramps and that I was finally having a period after bleeding for over two months straight after William's birth (imagine bleeding for over 8 weeks--and I am not talking about a little bit of spotting but full-on bleeding)...I could go on and on, because I know that there was a litany of other bad things that kept happening, but I won't. Suffice to say that it wasn't until June that some sort of "new normal" started to set in. But then it was William's due date, which was dreadful. And since then my life has felt so heavy. I am ready for it to be hopeful again.
I am ready for a new year, that is for sure.
Huh, did I say that this would be a short post?
I guess I was wrong.
Oh, and Erin and I didn't go running today. She flew in from New York yesterday evening, so I had a feeling she might not be up for it. I called her this morning and got her voice mail...ate my peanut butter toast while waiting for her to call back. She did and we talked for a bit. I told her to go back to bed because she sounded like she needed some rest. She was all ready to go running with me, although she said she wasn't up for 12 miles. I would have been up for giving it a shot--even though the little voice in my head would have been telling me I was pushing my luck, as I am finally starting to feel better. Instead I figured that we both could benefit from some more rest. We will run together on Wednesday after our appointments with Dirk. She said that her foot had continued to bother her so she took most of her time in NY off from running. And now she has a bit of a cold...and that she doesn't think Sedona will happen. So that was all I needed to hear. It is for the best. We were both feeling so high after the Seattle Marathon that another marathon sounded so great. And maybe if we had planned for it all along it might have been possible. But I think that would have meant running Seattle a lot more conservatively when we ran it with all of our heart and soul. It will be good to continue running but to also cross train and do some core work and strength training.
So that is that.
I did run today, but had to fit it in before my facial so I only ran for 30 minutes. It was a good run, though, and I did it "naked"--sans iPod, hat, fuel belt, and--gasp--even without my watch! I cannot remember the last time I ran without my watch!
OK, now I need to tidy the house for the bazillionth time in the past few days (men are messy). Mr. C was teasing me that I am like Lady McBeth with the vaccume and the area rug.
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