Thursday, March 8, 2007

Have I committed a blog faux pas?

A while back Sara asked if she could add me to her Links...and just now as I was looking at the comments on the visual blog (which, if you haven't checked out yet, you should--it is so cool) and someone asked if they could add it to their favorites list. Um...did I do a big bad no-no by just adding blogs that I love to visit to my links without asking?

If so, I apologize with intensity. I am sorry if this was uncool.

Please, those of you out there who know how these things are supposed to work, let me know.

Should I erase my Links and start over?

Is there a blogger rule book or etiquette guide out there somewhere?


Sara said...

I don't think so. I'd just never written a blog or really become familiar with how it works so I asked. I'm sure it's fine - we all want people to read us, right? So why not?

Rosepetal said...

Hello, I found you in my stats page. I'm so so sorry that William isn't here with you. I don't know why these things happen, or why they have to happen to anyone.

I don't mind at all that you added me to your blog list! In fact: thanks!

I will come back to read more.

Jillian said...

I think asking is sometimes a bit of an icebreaker rather than a rule - it let's a person know you read what they write (and we all love that!) and that you write too.

I used to ask in the beginning, but now I am just too lazy to get into all the code and stuff lol:) I'll be adding your blog at some point soon!