Thursday, February 26, 2009

three hours

Last Friday I had to go to the lab for the three hour GTT. I was there for closer to four hours because there was some sort of mix up with their paperwork. Fortunately the woman was kind and thoughtful and went ahead and started the test before she had everything sorted out.

I did start to get pretty nauseated at some point into the second hour. Fortunately they had taken me back to a private waiting room with a sofa so I was able to lay down while the feeling passed. I got a lot of good reading done, so that was a plus. I'm reading a really good book right now.

And I passed the test, no GD. Yay. I wonder if I failed the one hour screening because I didn't really fast for it?


A woman I (used to) work with (she hasn't been working since December) had her baby yesterday. I went to the hospital to see them yesterday afternoon and held him for a long time. He is perfect, beautiful, and weighs almost 9 pounds. She told me her birth story. Maybe I'll write later about some of the things this has brought up for me. Nothing bad, really, but lots of thoughts. Oh, and last night I dreamt, for the first time I can recall, about the Little Guy being here.


I think we have a name. There are two that we really like and yesterday morning I thought I had come to a decision which one is right. Then the other name came up TWICE yesterday in random circumstances. It is a very uncommon name, so I am now wondering...
I guess there is still time to get it figured out. But I really liked feeling like he had a name, other than Little Guy or The Baby.


Monica H said...

He's becoming more real every day! Will you share the name with us once you decid or are you waiting til he gets here?

BasilBean said...

You know, I've gotten so used to keeping the name ideas as a secret that it didn't occur to me to share them here.

I'm 99.99% sure that Mr. C won't mind if I share it with all of you (he says that my blog is my place to write whatever I wish and he is comfortable with the level of anonymity it has).

For now, though, I'll keep it to the comments section.

The name I am pretty sure we have decided on is Vincent. The second runner up, the name that came up twice Wednesday, is Augustine. He likes the idea of naming him Vincent Augustine, but I still like Augustine so much that a future son (imagine that!) could still have this name. So we will figure out a suitable middle name to go with Vincent.

Oh, and the other day when I was reading your blog it occurred to me that your bunny is named August. This didn't/doesn't dissuade me from wanting to give the name to a child. All of our pets have lovely names that any respectable human could be proud to have.

Monica H said...

I like both the names you have chosen. My cousins name is Eric Vincent, but he goes by Vince. In fact I have 2 cousins named Vincent..hmmm. And of course I love the name Augustine. It is a respectable human/pet name.

Don't you have a pet named Jackson? I think we're on the same wavelength here :-)