Sunday, April 5, 2009

thirty-five weeks, five days...

...and that is where we stop counting.

At 9:13 a.m. on Saturday, April 4, 2009 our son Vincent was born--a month early but strong and healthy. He is in an incubator but is breathing without assistance and while his first night was a bit rocky it looks like we have really turned a corner today so he may be able to come home with us (fingers crossed) Tuesday.

I will write more details later. I wish I had thought to ask Mr. C to bring the cable for the camera, so I could post pictures, but I will be going home tomorrow myself so I will do so then.

Seeing our Little Guy with leads and an IV has been hard, but I have (for the most part) been able to keep things in perspective (only one melt down, so far). He is well. He is alive. He is beautiful.


Jillian said...

Oh my goodness... what a post! Congratulations to you all on making it! I wish you all the best now and always. Welcome to the world Vincent!!

Coggy said...

OMG I wasn't expecting that post. Nor I guess were you. Congratulations to you and Mr C. So glad vincent is doing well. I'll keep my fingers crossed you get to take him home tomorrow. Welcome to the world Vincent!

heathers243 said...

Oh how amazing! I'm sorry he has to be hooked up to the IV, that must be scary for you guys. Hang in there, and enjoy holding that sweet little one!! Love the name you chose and really looking forward to seeing some pictures. Hugs to you (and a big kiss for Vincent!)

niobe said...

I'm practically in tears here. Happy ones, true, but still. So glad to hear that Vincent has arrived safely and hope to hear of his homecoming soon. (with pictures, please!)

RP said...

Congratulations! I hope he's home with you very soon.

Amanda said...

Congratulations -- what a blessing! I'm hoping to have a similar post in another 16 weeks or so...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Hope he can come home very soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh my!!! Congrats to you and Mr. C. Big hugs! What a surprise. I sure hope little Vincent can go home with you tomorrow.
Can't wait to hear/see more!

Becky said...

OMG! OMG! Welcome Vincent! I come home from vacation and find that he's here! He's here! And he's alive!!!! I'm crying for you, and for William, and Mr. C. Congratulations!

He's alive...he's here! I'm so happy for you. I know how hard it is to see those tubes and wires. But everyday he will gain strength and he'll start to do something new. You'll be home soon, I know it.

Please post pictures when you can. The suspense is killing me : )

Aurelia said...


This is lovely, so wonderful!!

I can't wait for photos!!

Kristin said...

Congrats on the birth of your son. My middle son was born almost a month early and I remember being scared but oh so relieved that he was mostly ok.

Julia said...

So glad to hear Vincent is here and doing so well. Congratulations! And hopes for a quick homecoming.

And I will be waiting (somewhat) patiently for the pictures.

Artblog said...

Fantastic news, congratulations and hope he goes home very, very soon :)

Rosepetal said...

COngratulations! Welcome Vincent!

Sara said...

Wonderful news! Congratulations. I hope he goes home soon and I eagerly await photos.

Wabi said...

Here from Niobe. Congratulations on your sweet boy! I'm so happy for you.

My baby after loss was born at EXACTLY the same point in pregnancy yours was. I know it's hard to see him at the hospital. Sending him lots of grow-like-a-weed vibes.

Mrs Macgyver said...

Such happy happy news! Congratulations!!! I am just beside myself with joy for you my dear friend and cannot wait to see pics of your little man. Sending so much love and happiness across the oceans to you all. xxx

Chris, Renae & Annie said...

Many, many congratulations!!!

Catherine said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to hear that he is home with you where he belongs. Welcome to the world little guy!

Monica H said...

I saw your title and I thought "Any day now..." and then I saw he was born.

WOW! I literally have goosebumps thinking about this. This is so amazing.

Best wishes to you, Mr. C and baby Vincent. This is so wonderful.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the sweet arrival of baby VIncent! What I wish for you and Mr C is many many many years of happiness with your son by your side!

Ange said...

Oh jeez was not expecting that...but welcome Vincent. Cool name by the way. And oh so so pleased to hear you are healthy and and best wishes to you all.

Bon said...

congrats! and welcome to baby Vincent...who has a beautiful, strong name.

both my post-IC-loss babes were born right around the 36w mark, and both did beautifully, though the first of them needed two weeks in hospital and that was definitely hard. the second came home after three days, which i hope Vincent does as well. :)

missing_one said...

Congrats! Wishing you guys all the best!

Hennifer said...

Oh gosh! I've been out of touch! I'm glad to hear everything looks bright for the newest addition to your family! Congratulations!!!

Sarah said...

I'm so happy for you and Mr. C. Hope Vincent is home soon -- but you said it best, "he's here and he's beautiful." Now the real fun begins...

mrsmaynard said...

Wow! Congrats and welcome to your little man. Now a new journey begins, how wonderful!

kate said...

Wow, congratulations!! Hope he will be home soon, if he isn't already. Pictures, pictures please!!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD! unexpected and kinda wonderful. Tho the circumstances are not ideal I am really glad all is going well. Can not wait to see him, and you hang in there!!! HUGS!

Erin Hirsch said...

Yeah!!!! I am SOOOO thrilled for you guys, Michelle. All my love and good thoughts are being sent your way.

wannabe mom said...

many, many congrats on the birth of your beautiful son. sending happy thoughts to you and your family.