Sunday, October 5, 2008

finally connected

We moved into our house at the end of January and all this time I have been without an internet connection.

But tonight when I got home I was delighted to see that the new router Mr. C bought today did the trick and the wireless connection is working!

I'm going to have to pace myself, because I am so excited to finally get caught up on blogs.


I am an optimist and am not superstitious, but still it is difficult for me to write that things with the pregnancy are going well. They are, but that doesn't mean that I am not pretty much a nut-case most of the time. While the spotting hasn't returned and my belly is growing at a much faster rate than anyone can believe, I have cramping and lower back pain a lot and sometimes it sends me into a panic. There is a cause for it and it happened the last time I was pregnant, too, so my rational mind knows that it is "normal" (I have a retroverted or backwards-facing uterus, and as it straightens out it causes a lot of discomfort). I have appointments with both my OB and the Peri next week, so that will help. When I see the OB we will hopefully be able to hear the heartbeat with the doppler (if my effed-up uterus doesn't pose a problem). And when I see the Peri we will do an ultrasound, so that will be good--whatever it shows, for better or for worse, at least the results are reliable. If all looks good we will be scheduling the cerclage surgery then, too. If possible I am going to schedule my OB and Peri appointments so they are staggered, rather than occurring in the same week. The more frequent I can be seen by someone the better.

We were keeping the pregnancy a secret and planned to do so for as much of the first trimester as possible. But Pops (my father in law) blabbed the news three weeks ago to one of our employees. By the next day the word had spread like wildfire. At first I was filled with this fear that it would jinx things--now the pregnancy is doomed for sure. I get that feeling almost every time I write in the cute pregnancy journal that I bought in a moment of bravery several weeks ago. And today I went to buy the new book that my book group is going to read next and I found myself walking over to the pregnancy section, actually picking up one of those big books that walks you through your pregnancy (complete with a week-by-week section), and taking it to the register with me. As I walked out to the parking lot I was thinking that I had just done something stupid.

I'm almost to 10 weeks. It is still so early. Each day feels like a victory, though. The idea of 40 weeks is just too daunting. So instead my focus right now is to get to 15 weeks and the surgery. After that my focus will shift to 24 weeks and viability. I know that is still a long-shot, but it is something to grasp for. After that is 28 weeks, a much more realistic chance for survival. And if I can make it that far then I know I can start to breathe a little easier. Everyone around me is so darn positive about this pregnancy. It is touching, and I hope that I can join them in feeling that way at some point as well.


Ange said...

Great news that you are already 10 weeks. Time goes fast..HA when you are observing someone else's pregnancy..but why does one's own go so slowly. Really hope you can enjoy this pregnancy even a little and I like the sound of your goals, one step at a time. Take care. x

Monica H said...

Yay for an interenet connection and an even bigger YAY for 10 weeks. Every day is a huge accomplishment...I'll be sending you good thoughts as you reach your goals.

I look forward to reading more. Good luck at our appts.

Becky said...

Yay to have you back!! Yay to have everything going well! I'm proud of you and so incredibly happy for you!

Mrs Macgyver said...

Good too see you back!

You are being very smart, taking it all one day at a time. It helps keep a tiny shred of sanity I think.

Hoping the next 5 weeks just fly by for you. Thinking of you and your little bean!

Anonymous said...

my favorite 2 numbers are 7 and 15m and turned out to be lucky SO I am thinking 15 15 15 15.....and then will go on from there. Everyday is something special, and hope is not a bad thing. one day at a time, seems mind numbingly forver and dragging, but take it from day you'll say oh crap!!! and realize it didn't drag at all. glad you're back!

Becci said...

Hope things keep going well. My cerclage was put in at 11 weeks and it is holding strong, even though I am open to the stitch above it. They really do help. Today I am 26w2d, and it's hard to think about all the stuff ahead, but try to focus on one week at a time. It makes it much easier! Thinking of you:)

Missing_one said...

I'm so glad you are back!
and I'm holding my breath that you get nothing but good news at the appointment!

Julia said...

Great news, all of it. I am glad you are finding ways to be brave about this pregnancy (journal, books, etc.), and (selfishly) I am glad you are hooked up to the internets now.
Please let us know how those appointments go, ok?