Tuesday, January 22, 2008

hurry up...and wait

This is how I have been feeling lately.

Because we are new to the business, and because it is a family business, there have been some hoops to jump through with the financing. We were pre-approved before we even started the house-hunt, but the underwriters want more information. And our accountant has stalled our progress more than once because he didn't adequately provide them with what they were asking for.


So we wait.


Julia said...

Oh, that sucks. I am sorry.
And I am sorry that I have nothing more constructive to offer here.

Monica H said...

Shucks! I hope the waiting ends soon.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the attitude of "if you want it done right you have to do it yourself" much applies here.

It is so hard to find good help!! keep on whomever seems to be next on the list to do something. call once a day if you have to and feel like they aren't moving...the market is volitile right now and they need to get this done and you of course shouldn't be waiting ...I hope your wait ends soon.

BasilBean said...

It seems you are very right about that. We have ended up having to do the work that the accountant didn't do right the first time. It is a pain that they need to be so thorough (we, of course, gave all of our information to the bank in order to get pre-approved) but apparently since the whole sub-prime mortgage debacle they are over-the-top with new home buyers.

Today we are bringing them some more paperwork and we'll will see what happens next (and how soon it happens).

Anonymous said...

I could tell you horror stories but I'll wait until the keys are yours so as not to scare you. Keep on them, Lender, Accountant, Attorney, Title Company, Realtor...everytime the ball is in their court annoy them until they do what they need to and pass it to someone else. Trust me besides annoying them, they'll feel the need to get it done quicker to get rid of you annoying them...which in turn helps you...so go be annoying it works!!good luck!!